Welcome To The Product Management Leader Survey


I would love to get your insights and wisdom.

I want to understand the biggest challenges ​product management leaders face with the effectiveness of their PM teams. You may not have any challenges, or they may be minor, but I've been finding that most people report ​some​ type of challenge.

I’m asking all the ​product management leaders I ​can find these questions.

​I plan to have a report available ​later this Spring covering the top challenges I learn about, and how product leaders are helping their teams get more effective.

I’ve formulated it as a quick questionnaire that should take (literally) two minutes. Of course you’re welcome to answer with a narrative response!

And if you'd like me to follow up, leave your name and email so I know which answers are yours.


What area or areas are your biggest challenges for the effectiveness of your product management team?

Some options are listed below, but feel free to add your own. If you need to expand on your answer, select "Other" and enter whatever you like in the text box below.

How are you addressing these challenges?

Some of the things you might be trying are listed below, but of course feel free to add more using the Other option.

Are you a product manager?

Answer Yes if you are or were a product manager.

This is optional, but pleas enter your name and email if you want me to get back to you.

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About the author 


Your host and author, Nils Davis, is a long-time product manager, consultant, trainer, and coach. He is the author of The Secret Product Manager Handbook, many blog posts, a series of video trainings on product management, and the occasional grilled pizza.

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